Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bundle of Joy! Baby #60!

Well, it's time to age the kids up! First is Jason's birthday!
Jason as a YA. His trait is Friendly and his Lifetime Wish is to be the leader of the world!
Second is Alan's birthday!
Alan as a teen. His trait is Neat.
Third is Dustin's birthday!
Dustin as a teen! His trait is bookworm.
Fourth is Katie's birthday!
Katie as a child! Her trait is Friendly!
Fifth is Mercy's birthday!
Mercy as a tot! She got my hair and Chris's eyes!
Last is Makinley's birthday!
Makinley as a tot. She's the first one to get Chris's hair. She also got my eyes.
Chris hugged Jason goodbye.
I hugged Jason goodbye also.
He went on the computer to apply for a job.
Then he called the Realtor and moved out!
I decided to paint.
Chris taught Mercy how to walk.
While I taught Makinley how to walk.
Chris taught Mercy how to talk.
While I taught Makinley how to talk.
After that, I fed Makinley. She was so hungry.
Mercy decided to play the xylophone.
Chris decided to paint. He hasn't painted in a long time!
I started to cook. I was so hungry too!
Mercy is now potty-trained!
And so is Makinley!
I said goodnight to Mercy.
While Dustin said goodnight to Makinley.
In the morning, Chris and I tried for a baby. We both heard the lullaby.
Then we started to make-out.
I decided to paint again. I sold it for $1,773! Been promoted to "Master of the Brush"
Chris decided to chat with Bruno.
Makinley screamed for food so I had to get her food.
Katie loves blocks. She would play them all day.
I vomited! Guess I'm pregnant again!
The sink was broken so I had to fix it.
I ate Autumn Salad. My loving husband, Chris, made them. :)
Alan said goodnight to Makinley.
Yes. I got pregnant! That is my pregnancy outfit. It was Alyssa's first pregnant outfit.
Awww! Look at that! Mercy and Makinley playing together!
Painted again. Sold it for $2,238! Wow, that's a lot of money!
Can you see my baby bump? No? You'll see it next time!
Makinley screamed for food again!
Now can you see it? Yes? Good!
I told Alan an inside joke! It was pretty funny!
Alan felt my tummy. He said that the baby kicked!
"Are you coming out tonight?" Let's see if tonight's the one!
Decided to cook. Had Lobster Thermidor! :D
My baby bump on Day 3!! :D
Gabriella called me. So I answered it.
I said Goodnight to Mercy. :)
The next morning, I got into labor! Chris is such a freak. He freaked out!
Why am I driving? Isn't Chris supposed to be driving to take me to hospital? I guess not. :p
Here we are at the hospital. That stranger was freaking out on ME!
Well, Welcome Baby #60. Her name is Shayla Cranford. Her traits are Artistic (must've gotten that from Chris) and Loves the outdoors! Well, 60 down, 40 more to go!


  1. Love the name Shayla! Nicki Dear i love this series!

  2. Shayla is beautiful congrats on the new baby girl!! Your story is really amazing keep it up!!
